The safety of our employees is our top priority: to guarantee their safety, our engineers have developed sophisticated technologies – for example the “Worker Protection System II”, which detects objects in the danger zone and stops the lifting process if necessary. For this achievement, the German Association of Work Equipment (VAK) honoured the process with the Innovation Award in the assembly/component/control technology category.

Because the safety of your employees is paramount.
Infrared cameras register objects and people in the risk area during the lifting process, and both lifting areas are monitored separately: if a bin loader is so close to the waste container that he could be accidentally pulled into the collection hopper, the process stops automatically. Awarded the VAK (Association for Work Equipment and Municipal Vehicle Industry) Innovation Prize 2022 in the Assembly/Component/Control Technology category.

Clean Option 2.0
For a greater sense of well-being in the workplace.
The system integrated in the tailgate consists of two devices: It blows the outside air into the refuse collection vehicle at an air pressure of 600 to 800 pascals and extracts it to create a vacuum. This ensures that there is always an air flow from the outside into the tailgate. The extracted air passes through a three-stage filter, which removes mould, fine dust, germs and viruses – and is then distributed over the roof in such a way that the amount of dust generated is reduced to a minimum towards the rear, where the refuse collectors are located.

A secure feeling. In every situation.
When carrying out repair or maintenance work on the roof, workers can wear a special harness and attach it to two steel cables mounted on the roof of the refuse collection vehicle using snap hooks. For anyone who needs to climb up without wanting to fall down.

Top performance in terms of the environment and economy.
This system allows the chassis, waste collection body and lifter to work together even more efficiently: In conjunction with a large-volume hydraulic pump, the lifter is activated when the chassis is idling at around 650 revolutions per minute so that waste containers can be emptied every 6 to 8 seconds, depending on the container size. For comparison: To achieve the same work performance, conventional refuse collection vehicles have to increase their engine speed to approx. 900 revolutions per minute. In addition, the compacting mechanism of the lifter only starts when it has already completed four tipping processes. This reduces both fuel consumption and noise emissions. Ideal for: Rural regions with low container density.

Wabco Tailguard
Reversing system with ultrasonic sensors.

Visy Assistance Protection System
For an all-round good feeling – even in the rear area.
The 3D technology was specially developed for reversing without a driver’s aid: it detects scenes and objects using infrared cameras, calculates the probability of collision taking into account the movement vector and displays this graphically on a monitor in the driver’s cab. Depending on the risk assessment, warnings in the form of acoustic signals and even engine stops are possible. Plus: a geotracking system logs all processes for possible accident reports when reversing. A 3D turn monitoring system is also available as an option. Honoured with the VAK (Association for Work Equipment and Municipal Vehicle Industry) Innovation Award 2022 in the assembly/component/control technology category.